Cold Therapy Queen

It seems that all I do with my own horses lately is use various forms of cold therapy on them.

Mr. P gets cold hosing on his hock, followed by icing daily. He’s very happy icing and eating can happen simultaneously.

Equifit T Sport wrap over an ice pack for the win.

Equifit T Sport wrap over an ice pack for the win.

P says he's willing to ice all day if it means grass time

P says he’s willing to ice all day if it means grass time

Meanwhile, Stampede gets his back iced after most of his workouts, particularly after he is ridden.

Ice Horse back blanket in action

Ice Horse back blanket in action

In other non cold therapy news, I did get some rides in this week on other horses. It feels so good to ride and be able to work on something besides rehab or trying to figure out if the horse is okay.



On Wednesday I flatted Nikon. He is a chill uncomplicated ride and he bends well. I had a lot of fun on him.

Miss Willow

Miss Willow

On Thursday and Saturday I got to ride Mr. P’s girlfriend Willow. Willow’s mom hurt her ankle so she is taking a short break from riding to heal up. On Thursday Willow and I just flatted around. It was actually fairly annoying in the indoor most of the ride because people were all over and Willow can be nervous about other horses coming at her too closely so I really had to watch that. We got through it though and had some nice long and low trot when we finished up.

I did a flat lesson on Willow on Saturday and had a great time. She really likes a light hand, more so than either of my horses. It’s been a great learning experience to have a horse that helps me get my hands in position (instead of way too low, oops) and makes sure I’m always riding with my seat and legs first.

Willow’s mom has offered to let me lesson on her again Tuesday, so I am looking forward to that as well. It’s true that time in the saddle just makes everything better!

The king of post lunge gawking

The king of post lunge gawking

Lastly, a little Stampede update. I’ve been continuing on with my lunging and riding schedule, although we’ve adjusted to an every other workout we ride plan lately. I’m finding that he seems to enjoy the bending work and his trot under saddle (the small amount we do) has improved tremendously. I would say in our good direction you wouldn’t know his right hind was a bit off unless you specifically knew about it and watched for it. I’m definitely feeling ready to have a vet out and get a move on finding a direction for us to go in.

We must gawk both ways before proceeding

We must gawk both ways before proceeding



  1. Aoife @Pampered-Ponies

    You’re the queen of icing – hope they both continue on their road to recovery.
    Yay for saddle time as often and as much as possible

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Saddle time makes life better!

  2. emma

    awesome that you’re able to ride some other horses while your guys work on recovering and getting better! hopefully they continue to improve!

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      Yes, I’m very thankful that other people are offering me ponies to ride!

  3. carey

    So glad to hear you have some horses to ride while you are getting through all the icing fun.

  4. Dianehit

    You are doing me a favor by riding Willow since she broke me for awhile. I think she will be glad to get me back. From the snarky looks I have been getting from her, she thinks she is being worked too hard. 🙂 But it does her good to work a little harder.

    1. stampyandthebrain (Post author)

      It did work out well, except for you being broken of course. It is good for her to work harder. You know she will be ready for the extra work with you too when you get back on! 😉

  5. Tracy

    Glad you were able to find a few others to catch rides on!


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