Stampy goes to MSU

So today Stampede and I made another voyage to MSU, this time for his third set of back injections since he was diagnosed with kissing spines last March.

All dressed up and ready to go

All dressed up and ready to go

At MSU, just got some sleepy drugs

At MSU, just got some sleepy drugs

Got his back shaved

Got his back shaved

Getting his back scrubbed a lot

Getting his back scrubbed a lot

Then I got closed out since they X-ray him to know where the needles go

Then I got closed out since they X-ray him to know where the needles go

Afterwards we got the boy all booted up and headed back home. He was a good boy and I’m hoping he will be feeling good again when I start riding him next week.

I did ride P in the field after I got back today. We weren’t really seeing eye to eye on things. He was interested in going faster every time we headed towards home and I was not…so we worked on that. Sometimes he is a stubborn pony!

Ready to go for a ride

Ready to go for a ride

Headed to Kentucky tomorrow!



  1. Hillary

    Glad stamps made the voyage well.

    ROLEX. The amount of excitement cannot be contained.

  2. L. Williams

    Hope he’s feeling right as rain soon.

  3. Lauren

    Yay injections for a happy back!

  4. Karley

    Heres to a happy pony and back that is feeling great!


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