Blog Hop: What’s in your name?

Courtesy of L at Viva Carlos.
What is the story behind your blogname/url?

Hard to believe I’ve been blogging this long, but back in June of 2012 I had been reading several blogs and started commenting on one, Equestrian at Hart. Hillary took the time to convince me to start my own blog by saying she would read it. I guess the push that I would have at least one reader was all it took!

The name itself is a play on words with my two furry boys. My husband and I were talking about how Phoenix is the brains of the operation between the two of them, and basically keeps Stampede in check. Normally the situation goes like so: Surveyors put out an orange flag within sight of the boys’ paddock. Stampede runs around in panic at change in scenery in a ‘OMG world is ending’ kind of way. Phoenix stands there looking at him thinking, “why am I stuck with such a stupid brother?” Eventually Phoenix gets in a position by the gate where Stampede is bound to be running to off an on in his quest to escape the demon flag. He keeps Stampede from the gate and promptly bites him if necessary to get his attention. This usually brings Stampede to a stop, complete with nervous front leg knee shake. Repeat as needed or until turnout ends.

So in a play off of the show Pinky and the Brain, we have Stampy and the Brain. A blurb on the show from Wikepedia, in case you haven’t seen it. Pinky and Brain are genetically enhanced laboratory mice who reside in a cage in the Acme Labs research facility. Brain is self-centered and scheming; Pinky is good-natured but feebleminded. In each episode, Brain devises a new plan to take over the world which ultimately ends in failure: usually due to Pinky’s idiocy, the impossibility of Brain’s plan, Brain’s own arrogance, or just circumstances beyond their control.


Of course in my case, the brain is just scheming ways to get to more food. Stampy is definitely too busy freaking out to help P achieve his food dreams most of the time, plus Stampy gets free extra meals on his own. Not to mention that Stampy calls attention to them when he goes flailing around the pasture. I will say however that Stampede does know how to slam through the gates in some of the pastures in the spring and summer. Then you will find the boys happily eating grass together until caught green mouthed. Of course this is how they ended up in their current pasture, which will require more scheming to escape.

Time to bite the brother

Time to bite the brother



  1. Hillary

    I told you I would read and here we are! 🙂 one day I’ll have to come visit and meet the boys, since you’ll be meeting Huer in less than 2 months!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      You need to come during the big tack shop sales in November I think! So excited for next month!

      1. Alicia

        So jealous of bloggy meet ups!!

  2. Beka

    Oh, man. I used to watch Pinky and the Brain all the time. What a great show!

    I think it’s so cute that your boys have such different personalities and react to each like that. And, of course, it’s awesome that Hillary was an inspiration for you.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      They are very funny together. Sometimes P seems like a parent figure, but he’s always been the type to take charge in the pasture. He makes Stampy feel safer and Stampy shares the hay so that’s what matters! Very glad Hillary convinced me.

  3. Alicia

    I grew up watching Pinky and the Brain so always assumed that’s what your blog name reflected. I love it, so clever!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Thanks! Glad to hear that you understood it without explanation!

  4. Tracy @ Fly On Over

    I loved Pinky and the Brain!! Such a great show.

  5. L. Williams

    I’ve always loved Pinky and the Brain and always felt thats what your Blog name was about 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain


  6. Lauren

    I always loved pinkie and the brain!


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