Blog Hop – Show me your barn

It’s time for a blog hop of barn tours! Ever wonder where your horsey Blogger friends spend most of their day? Want to show off the amazing place you get to keep your fur child? Now is your chance to share and get to know your friends just a little bit more!

Here’s how it’s going to work; its simple and fun!

Share with us the following 5 photos:

A View of the Barn

There are two barns on the property where I board the boys. One we call the new barn, which is where my boys live, and another is called the Morton barn. The morton barn is attached to the indoor.

Barn pics from the website

Barn pics from the website

Stampede keeping an eye on me and P from his stall

Stampede keeping an eye on me and P from his stall

The dutch doors and the rubbery brick flooring are probably my favorite features of the barn itself. It is nice and open, and it’s easy to get a breeze going. There is also radiant heat (under the floor) in the winter, so other than the insane temperatures earlier this week, I’ve never seen the buckets freeze.

Your Horse’s Living Space

Stampede's stall, complete with massive Stampede sign

Stampede’s stall, complete with massive Stampede sign

Mr P in his stall

Mr P in his stall

The Tack Room

My box is the open one on the left

My box is the open one on the left

Lots of saddles

Lots of saddles

View of Where You Ride


Indoor/one of the outdoors/field

Love the field!

Love the field!

Your Favorite Feature of Your Facility 

Besides the heating and the dutch doors, I love the non-slip rubber bricks in the aisles.

Cool rubber bricks

Cool rubber bricks

Sunday I rode Stampede again, and he was much improved. He gave me some nice flat work. I also gave him his first injection of Ichon.

Monday P was still more stiff than I would like, so we did a nice easy hack focusing on relaxing and not really pushing too much when it came to lengthening his stride.

Tonight I had a lesson Stampede. He felt good to the left, but a little sticky in the canter to the right. Decided to jump since I hadn’t Saturday. Stampede was really good, very relaxed. I did get too relaxed to the in of a diagonal line the first time, so I circled and tried again instead of missing the out as well. Stampede was even polite and moved up to an oxer on the out of a roll back in my equitation course without complaint. Woo hoo. Not sure if it was the robaxin, the time off, the Ichon shot, or luck, but I’ll take it.




  1. Hillary

    Love the rubbery bricks!

  2. Jessica

    What a beautiful facility! I love clean, neat barns!! And of course I am in love with chesnuts — two is always better than one.

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Chestnuts are the best! Always end up with them even when I’m looking for any color.

  3. heartofhope10

    I love the radiant heat idea! Lovely place!

  4. SprinklerBandit

    Oooooh. So cool. I want those bricks in my house!

  5. Lauren

    You have such a pretty barn! I love the stalls and tack room.

  6. Karley

    What a nice facility and it looks so clean and organized!

    The rubber bricks sound awesome!

  7. Lauren

    Your barn is beautiful. It’s so classic. That’s how I’d love for my barn to look.


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