Frigid and snowy

As I hide in the house currently it is -6 outside. Brrr! Starting Wednesday and going through yesterday, my area also got covered in snow. I would guess about 8″. I’ve been especially glad to have a four-wheel drive vehicle, even if it took 2 years to actually get to use that function. We’ve had some really mild winters the last few years, so we are paying for it now.

On Monday I hopped on Mr P for an easy hack. He had gotten his feet trimmed earlier in the day, so we took it easy. Christie’s mom claimed Mr P on Wednesday, and took him out in the snow after her ride.

Mr P snow pony

Mr P snow pony

Tuesday was my first ride on Stampy with Robaxin (muscle relaxers) on board. He was much happier other than a small snarky reaction in the first upward transition to trot and canter. Pretty large improvement, although I didn’t jump which is where he was most upset.

Mom what did you give me?

Mom what did you give me?

This tastes like more than applesauce...

This tastes like more than applesauce…

I can't believe you slipped me drugs!

I can’t believe you slipped me drugs!

Yesterday I did a full lesson with Stampy still on the Robaxin. Other than wanting to eat a pony, he was good on the flat. Over fences he was willing to go forward, although not super happy. In that case it’s hard to differentiate discomfort from just disliking the indoor. Now I’m waiting to talk to my vet on Monday when she comes back from vacation to figure out an injectable regimen to try since I can’t get the Adequan.

I would like to ride P later, but I’m not sure it’s going to get warm soon enough (warm being a high of 10 degrees). Worst case I can ride two ponies tomorrow since the high will be 33. This is super strange weather because then Monday night we are back down to -13.

Might as well finish out with some puppy pictures! We have our last puppy class tonight, hopefully the baby will pass her final exam and graduate, lol.

Puppy is getting lighter!

Puppy is getting lighter fur growing in!

Cuddling with her brother on the couch.

Cuddling with her brother on the couch.

I hope everyone else is warmer than me!





  1. Hillary

    Your pup has already grown so much! I have puppy fever now!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Yeah, she has been growing so fast and eating like crazy! Love puppies!

  2. Lauren

    It was mid 30’s last night and I opted to stay home instead of ride… your pictures and temperatures make me feel like a weenie!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      I would say 30’s is pretty warm for winter for me, lol. Put some layers on and get out there! Lol.

  3. Karley




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