
This week has been a whirlwind of craziness!

Monday I had off so the husband and I could celebrate his birthday. I went riding with my friend Jessica who has now found a horse at the barn, Bijou, to ride as well as P. Very exciting to have her around more and for her to get more saddle time. Husband and I went out to dinner in the evening then hung around the house.

Mr P :)

Mr P 🙂

Tuesday I had to drive to Saginaw, Michigan to work and it took forever to get home. Left the house late and got to the barn when I was already supposed to be on Stampede for my lesson. Hurried to get ready and got on as everyone was cantering the first way so after I walked around I was able to get all my trot work in before we changed direction. I ended up jumping since I had missed the past Saturday. Stampy was pretty good, although he misunderstood a difficult broken line the first time I did it (and took out the back rail of an oxer) so we had to go back and fix that.

Taking advantage of a warm night to graze the pony

Taking advantage of a warm night to graze the pony

Wednesday and Thursday I flatted P and Stampede respectfully. I rode P bareback for the first time since I got the Antares. I think I actually prefer my saddle most of the time now, which is amazing. Stampy was super lazy for my ride, which was a nice change.

Mr P looking out his dutch door at the world

Mr P looking out his dutch door at the world

Friday I got off work a little early and went out and rode P. He was really good and did great downward transitions. Then I moved on to Stampede, who did look like he had gotten a bit sweaty on his neck. Then I looked under his sheet. Ugh, the crustiest horse ever and no one noticed!

Crust master

Crust master

Someone was disgustingly sweaty

Someone was disgustingly sweaty

He was friendly here, but trust me he wasn't when the currying began!

He was friendly here, but trust me he wasn’t when the currying began!

Evidently some guys came to survey by the boy’s pasture, and stampede was not a fan of them and their orange vests. I was told Stampede was just pacing, but evidently he worked himself up pretty good!

Yesterday I ended up being late for the lesson again, but got my trainer to agree to letting me school after the lesson. It was actually nice, no waiting before courses. Stampede was very good, nice and soft most of the time. He did however grab the bit coming home a couple of times. One time he pulled me past the distance but the other two times he at least ran forward to a good distance so I could just soften.

I have some other exciting news to share, but I’ll leave that for my next post!





  1. Hillary

    I think I know the news! 🙂

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Haha, you do!

  2. Karley

    Sounds like lots of good riding!!

    Way to leave us hanging!

  3. L.Williams

    dun dun dun waiting!


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