The shrinking hairless leg

First let me show you a week with Stampede’s leg in pictures, then I’ll tell you more about our adventures with cellulitis.

Big leg

Big leg

Side view with weeping skin

Side view with weeping skin

Sweating the WHOLE leg

Sweating the WHOLE leg

Next day slightly less big leg

Next day slightly less big leg

Smaller leg, hair falling off

Smaller leg, hair falling off

Another view, gross skin

Another view, gross skin

So my week consisted of many trips to the barn, lots of meds (antibiotics and a diuretic) mixed with applesauce syringed into his mouth, cold hosing three times a day, some hand walking when he could handle it, and lots of wrapping. His leg is mostly down now and I’ve cut out all meds. Just waiting on the rest of the definition to return to his leg, which comes mostly from time and movement. I should have taken a new picture today, more hair has fallen off. He will certainly have a light work load for a few weeks to come.

Thanks for the well wishes everyone, his leg came back down much faster this time than in the past, although we are losing much more hair than I remember before. Hopefully the aloe I’m putting on the bare spots will have him back in shape in no time.

Phoenix meanwhile has stayed out of trouble (knock on wood). I rode him bareback Monday night, Thursday during the day in the field, then this morning in a flat lesson. Christie’s mom was nice enough to ride him for me on Wednesday since I had plans after work (after Stampy care of course!). I’m very happy with how great P is looking this summer.

Mr P happy and eating

Mr P happy and eating

I leave you with a cute picture of my pups on the bed yesterday, I love that they enjoy being together, much like P and Stampy do. Love my furbabies!

Puppy butts (Reilly left and Roxy right)

Puppy butts (Reilly left and Roxy right)




  1. Karley

    Aye!! Glad he’s feeling better! Good work mom 🙂

  2. Lauren

    Glad he’s improving!

  3. Hillary

    Yikes. So this has happened before I assume? I hope he continues to improve!

    1. stampyandthebrain

      Yeah, not the first time. First back leg though, lol. I will have to find the picture from that one to post. We didn’t lose this much hair last time.

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