Mane pulling

I realized that I have not posted about the method I learned to pull Stampede’s mane with less drama (except that one time a few weeks ago, oops!). It’s really interesting how you can go along for years just thinking your horse is a jerk about something, when really you were just not taught the best way to do it. Really makes you think about your methods in various parts of your relationship with horses!

I was always taught that you literally rip the hair out. Then I found a video that taught me that is not how it should be done. You should let the horse release the hair. Before I started using this method Stampede had to be drugged before I could pull his mane AT ALL. I have not drugged him for mane pulling in a couple of years now, ever since I started using the nicer method. P used to shake his neck a lot when I pulled his mane, but now he stands politely.

Here is the video I saw several years ago.

Please try this with your horse if you don’t do it already. Take the time to be patient and your horse will reward you! Stampede and I have been doing some remedial mane pulling work after our blow up several weeks ago when I got frustrated and pushed him too far. Last night I finished pulling it for the show with no drama.

Headed to the barn in a little bit to ride Phoenix and possibly lunge Stampede. Hopefully I will have time to give them both baths as well. Then I have to clean my saddle!

P being silly

P being silly

Fresh white saddle shim for the show tomorrow

Fresh white saddle shim for the show tomorrow




  1. Karley

    Shelley at DIary of a Hunter Princess uses that same method for pulling.

  2. Hillary

    Very interesting method. Ill have to try that sometime.


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